National Association of Christian Ministers Summary Series: Theology

Dynamism is a belief system that holds that the universe is pervaded by a vital life force or energy that animates all things. Dynamistic worldviews may involve the belief in a cosmic spirit or force that imbues the natural world with vitality and power, or in specific deities or spiritual beings that embody this energy.

Dynamism has been found in many cultures throughout human history, and remains an important element of some contemporary religions and spiritual practices. In some traditions, dynamistic beliefs may be associated with the worship of natural phenomena such as the sun, moon, or stars, or with the veneration of ancestral spirits or deities believed to embody the life force.

In dynamistic worldviews, human beings are seen as part of a larger cosmic order, and may be believed to have the ability to tap into and manipulate this vital energy for spiritual or practical purposes. Practices associated with dynamism may include meditation, prayer, ritual, or the use of natural remedies or substances believed to have healing or transformative properties.

Critics of dynamism may view it as unscientific or irrational, and may argue that it offers an incomplete or inadequate understanding of the universe. However, proponents of dynamism argue that it offers a holistic and interconnected worldview that recognizes the importance of spiritual and emotional well-being in human life.

Overall, dynamism remains a subject of scholarly study and philosophical debate, and continues to influence contemporary discussions on topics such as spirituality, alternative medicine, and the relationship between humans and the natural world.