National Association of Christian Ministers Summary Series: Doctrine
Soteriology is the branch of Christian theology that focuses on the study of salvation—the nature, means, and effects of God’s deliverance of humanity from sin and its consequences. It explores beliefs about how people are saved, the role of Jesus Christ in salvation, and the implications of salvation for believers. While there can be variations in emphasis and interpretation among different Christian traditions, there are several key aspects that are generally recognized in soteriology.
1. Human Condition and Sin: Soteriology acknowledges the fallen state of humanity and the reality of sin. It teaches that all humans are born with a sinful nature inherited from Adam and are prone to sin. Sin is seen as a rebellion against God’s will, resulting in brokenness, separation from God, and the need for salvation.
2. God’s Initiative and Grace: Soteriology emphasizes that salvation is an act of God’s grace. It teaches that God, out of His love and mercy, initiated the process of salvation and made it possible for humans to be reconciled with Him. Salvation is not earned or achieved by human effort but is a gift from God.
3. Jesus Christ as the Savior: Soteriology highlights the central role of Jesus Christ in salvation. Christians believe that Jesus, through His life, death, and resurrection, accomplished the work of redemption. Jesus is seen as the Savior who atoned for humanity’s sin, offering forgiveness, reconciliation, and the hope of eternal life.
4. Atonement and Redemption: Soteriology explores the concepts of atonement and redemption. It teaches that through His sacrificial death, Jesus paid the price for sin and reconciled humanity with God. Christians believe that Jesus’ atoning work provides forgiveness, justification, and deliverance from the power of sin.
5. Faith and Repentance: Soteriology emphasizes the role of faith and repentance in receiving salvation. Christians believe that salvation is received by faith—trusting in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior—and turning away from sin in repentance. Faith and repentance are seen as responses to God’s grace, leading to a personal relationship with Him.
6. Justification and Sanctification: Soteriology addresses the concepts of justification and sanctification. Justification is the act of God declaring a sinner righteous through faith in Christ. Sanctification is the ongoing process of being transformed into the likeness of Christ by the work of the Holy Spirit. Both justification and sanctification are considered integral to the journey of salvation.
Soteriology provides a theological framework for understanding the nature of salvation, the work of Christ, and the response of believers. It highlights the significance of God’s grace, the centrality of Jesus Christ, and the transformative power of salvation in the lives of individuals and the community of faith.