Christology (Term)

Christology is a branch of Christian theology that specifically studies the person, nature, and role of Jesus Christ. It addresses foundational questions about His identity as both fully divine and fully human, the significance of His teachings, His death, resurrection, and ascension, as well as His ongoing work and return. This field is crucial for understanding not only who Jesus is—His attributes and His relationship to God the Father and the Holy Spirit—but also the implications of His life and work for salvation and Christian life.

Key questions in Christology include:

How can Jesus be both God and man?

What does His incarnation signify for humanity?

How does His divine nature relate to His human nature?

These questions are explored through the study of scriptural texts, the development of early Christian thought, and ecumenical council declarations, such as those from Nicaea and Chalcedon. These councils famously affirmed that Jesus is consubstantial (of the same substance) with the Father and that He exists as one person in two natures—divine and human—without confusion or separation.

Christology deeply influences other theological areas like soteriology (the study of salvation), ecclesiology (the study of the church), and eschatology (the study of the end times), underscoring its integral role in Christian theology and practice.