Managing Organizational Conflict

National Association of Christian Ministers Leadership Series

Types of Organizational Conflict

1. Interpersonal conflict – occurs between workers because of differences in their goals or values.

2. Intragroup conflict – arises within the group because the members disagree.

3. Intergroup conflict – occurs between groups.

4. Interorganizational conflict – occurs across different organizations.

Sources of Conflict

1. Different goals and time horizons – workers differ on these important points.

2. Overlapping authority – two or more managers both claim authority for the same activities.

3. Task interdependencies – interdependent workers or teams have the potential for conflict.

4. Different evaluation or reward systems – production managers are evaluated for lowering costs, while marketing managers are evaluated for increasing sales.

5. Scarce resources – financial resources are in demand by all departments, and promotions are not given to every manager.

6. Status inconsistencies – workers have different statuses in the organization’s pecking order, and this can create conflict.


Jones, G. R., George, J. M., and Hill, C. W.L. (2006). Contemporary management. 4th Ed. Boston: Irwin. ISBN: 0073049212.