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Book of Colossians

Book of Colossians

National Association of Christian Ministers Summary Series

The book of Colossians is a letter written by the apostle Paul to the church in Colossae, a city in ancient Asia Minor. The letter was likely written while Paul was in prison in Rome, around AD 60-62.

In the letter, Paul first addresses the false teachings that had infiltrated the church in Colossae, which likely included elements of Jewish legalism, mysticism, and asceticism. He asserts that Christ is the preeminent and sufficient mediator between God and humanity, and that salvation comes through faith in Him alone.

Paul then encourages the Colossians to live a life worthy of their calling in Christ, with a focus on putting off the old self and putting on the new self. He encourages them to live in unity and love, and to walk in wisdom toward outsiders.

The letter concludes with personal greetings and instructions to various individuals who were with Paul at the time of writing, including Onesimus, a former slave who had become a Christian and was returning to his master Philemon.

Overall, the book of Colossians emphasizes the sufficiency and preeminence of Christ, and encourages believers to live out their faith in practical ways.

NACM Manual to Ministry