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Doctrine of the Father

Doctrine of the Father

National Association of Christian Ministers Summary Series: Doctrine


The Christian doctrine of the Father refers to the understanding of God as the first person of the Holy Trinity in Christian theology. It is a central aspect of Christian belief and is rooted in the teachings of the Bible and the early Christian tradition.

According to Christian doctrine, God is one divine being who exists eternally in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.

Each person of the Trinity is fully God, yet there is only one God. The Father is considered the source and origin of all things and is often described as the Creator of the universe.

The concept of God as Father is prevalent throughout the Bible, particularly in the New Testament. Jesus frequently referred to God as his Father and encouraged his followers to address God as such. The Lord’s Prayer, taught by Jesus, begins with the words “Our Father.” This intimate and relational language highlights the Christian understanding of God as a loving and caring Father figure.

The Father possesses certain attributes, including being all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving. He is seen as a personal and involved God who loves and cares for his creation. The Father’s love is often depicted as sacrificial and unconditional, exemplified in the sending of his Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem humanity from sin.

In Christian worship, prayers and hymns often invoke the name of the Father and express gratitude for his love and provision. Christians believe that through faith in Jesus Christ, they are adopted as children of God and have a personal relationship with the Father.

NACM Manual to Ministry