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2 Peter

National Association of Christian Ministers Summary Series

The book of 2 Peter is a letter written by the apostle Peter to encourage believers to grow in their knowledge of Jesus Christ and to warn against false teachers who were promoting false doctrines and leading people astray.

Peter begins by reminding his readers of the importance of faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ, emphasizing that these are the keys to living a godly life and avoiding the corruption of the world.

The letter also warns against false teachers who were promoting false doctrines, denying the second coming of Christ, and leading people astray with their immoral behavior. Peter describes these false teachers as like “springs without water” and “clouds without rain”, promising much but delivering nothing.

Throughout the letter, Peter emphasizes the importance of living a life of godliness and holiness, and warns against following the ways of the world. He encourages believers to continue to grow in their faith, to remain steadfast in the face of trials and temptations, and to be diligent in their pursuit of godliness.

The letter also emphasizes the importance of the scriptures, which Peter describes as the “sure word of prophecy”. He encourages believers to pay attention to the teachings of the prophets and apostles, and warns against interpreting scripture in a way that promotes false doctrines.

Overall, the book of 2 Peter is a call to faithfulness and perseverance in the face of false teaching and temptation. It emphasizes the importance of growing in knowledge of Jesus Christ, living a life of godliness and holiness, and remaining steadfast in the face of trials and difficulties.

NACM Manual to Ministry