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How to Start a Church Bible Study

National Association of Christian Ministers How to Series: Ministry

Starting a Bible study can be a great way to deepen your understanding of scripture and connect with other believers. Here is an outline of how to start a Bible study:

1. Pray for guidance: Before starting a Bible study, it’s important to pray for guidance and direction. Ask God to lead you in selecting the right group of people, choosing the right materials, and guiding your discussions.

2. Determine the focus and format: Decide what you want the focus of the study to be. Will you be studying a particular book of the Bible, a particular topic, or a combination of both? Determine the format of the study, such as whether it will be in-person or virtual, and how often you will meet.

3. Invite participants: Reach out to people in your community or church who may be interested in joining the Bible study. Be clear about the focus and format of the study, as well as the time commitment and any other details.

4. Choose study materials: Select study materials that align with the focus of your study. There are many resources available, such as study guides, commentaries, and online resources. You may also want to consider using a study Bible or a devotional book.

5. Establish group guidelines: Set expectations and guidelines for the group, such as how often you will meet, how long each session will last, and how discussions will be structured. You may also want to establish guidelines for confidentiality, respect, and participation.

6. Prepare for each session: Before each session, take time to prepare and review the materials you will be discussing. Pray for guidance and clarity, and consider any questions or insights that may arise.

7. Facilitate discussion: During each session, facilitate discussion and encourage participation from all members of the group. Ask open-ended questions and allow time for reflection and sharing. Be respectful of different viewpoints and encourage a spirit of unity and grace.

8. Follow up and evaluate: After each session, follow up with the group and evaluate how the study is going. Ask for feedback and suggestions, and make any necessary adjustments to the format or materials.

Starting a Bible study can be a rewarding experience, both spiritually and socially. By following these steps, you can create a welcoming and enriching environment for studying scripture and connecting with others.

NACM Manual to Ministry