3 Biblical Approaches to Marriage Counseling


Marriage coaching within a Christian context is not just about resolving conflicts and improving communication; it’s about nurturing a relationship that reflects God’s love and design. Christian ministers play a crucial role in guiding couples through marital challenges, using faith-based principles to foster stronger, more resilient marriages. Several biblical approaches to marriage coaching have proven effective due to their grounding in Scripture and practical application. This article introduces and expands on the three most popular biblical approaches to marriage coaching: Theological and Scriptural Coaching, Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) with a Christian Perspective, and the Prepare/Enrich Program.

Understanding the Role of Christian Marriage Coaching #

The Importance of Marriage Coaching in Ministry #

Christian marriage coaching is vital for several reasons:

    • Spiritual Growth: It encourages couples to grow spiritually, both individually and together, fostering a deeper relationship with God.
    • Strengthening Marriages: By addressing issues early and effectively, coaching helps prevent more severe problems, promoting lasting, healthy marriages.
    • Reflecting God’s Love: A strong, Christ-centered marriage reflects God’s love and serves as a testimony to others.

Challenges Faced by Couples #

Couples often face a variety of challenges that can strain their relationship, including:

    • Communication Problems: Misunderstandings and poor communication can lead to frequent conflicts.
    • Financial Stress: Money issues are a common source of tension in marriages.
    • Infidelity: Trust is critical in a marriage, and infidelity can cause significant harm.
    • Parenting Differences: Disagreements about parenting styles can create conflict.
    • Spiritual Disconnect: A lack of spiritual unity can weaken the marital bond.

By understanding these challenges, ministers can better address the specific needs of each couple they coach.

1. Theological and Scriptural Coaching #

Overview #

Theological and Scriptural Coaching is based on the belief that the Bible is the ultimate authority and guide for all aspects of life, including marriage. This approach emphasizes the application of biblical principles to address marital issues, helping couples build a relationship that aligns with God’s design.

Key Principles #

    1. Biblical Authority
      • coachors rely on Scripture as the primary source of wisdom and guidance. Verses from the Bible are used to address specific issues and provide direction (Adams, 1986).
    2. God-Centered Marriage
      • The focus is on creating a marriage that honors God. This involves understanding marriage as a covenant relationship that reflects the union between Christ and the Church (Ephesians 5:25-33).
    3. Spiritual Growth
      • Emphasis is placed on personal spiritual growth and the development of spiritual disciplines to strengthen the marital relationship.

Techniques #

    1. Scriptural Application
      • coachors use specific Bible passages to address marital problems, encouraging couples to meditate on and apply these teachings in their daily lives.
      • Example: A coachor might use Ephesians 4:32 to teach forgiveness: “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
    2. Prayer and Devotion
      • Incorporating prayer and devotional practices into coaching sessions to seek God’s guidance and foster spiritual intimacy between partners.
      • Example: Starting and ending each session with prayer, encouraging couples to pray together daily.
    3. Homework Assignments
      • Assigning biblical readings and reflections to encourage ongoing spiritual engagement outside of coaching sessions.
      • Example: Assigning a reading plan on marriage from the Bible, such as reading 1 Corinthians 13 on love and discussing its application in their marriage.

Expanding the Approach #

Theological and Scriptural Coaching can also include:

    • Marriage Workshops and Seminars: These events can provide couples with intensive biblical teaching and practical tools to strengthen their marriage.
    • Mentorship Programs: Pairing couples with more experienced, spiritually mature couples who can provide guidance and support.
    • Church Involvement: Encouraging couples to participate in church activities together to build a strong spiritual foundation.

Adams, J. E. (1986). Marriage, divorce, and remarriage in the Bible. Zondervan.

2. Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) with a Christian Perspective #

Overview #

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a well-established, evidence-based approach to marriage coaching that focuses on emotional connection and attachment. When integrated with a Christian perspective, EFT aligns its principles with biblical teachings on love, commitment, and forgiveness.

Key Principles #

    1. Attachment Theory
      • EFT is based on the idea that emotional bonds and attachment needs are fundamental to marital relationships (Johnson, 2004).
    2. Emotion Regulation
      • Helping couples identify, understand, and express their emotions in a healthy, constructive manner.
    3. Christian Love
      • Emphasizing the biblical concept of unconditional love and forgiveness as modeled by Christ (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).

Techniques #

    1. Emotionally Focused Interventions
      • Techniques such as reflecting and validating emotions, fostering empathy, and creating secure attachment patterns.
      • Example: Using reflective listening to help one partner express their feelings and the other partner to understand and empathize.
    2. Scriptural Integration
      • Using biblical principles to reinforce the importance of emotional connection and healing within the marriage.
      • Example: Integrating teachings from 1 John 4:18 about perfect love casting out fear, to address fears and insecurities in the relationship.
    3. Forgiveness and Reconciliation
      • Encouraging practices of forgiveness and reconciliation, grounded in the teachings of Jesus.
      • Example: Guiding couples through the process of forgiveness based on Ephesians 4:32, emphasizing the importance of forgiving as Christ forgave us.

Expanding the Approach #

Integrating EFT with a Christian perspective can also involve:

    • Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: Teaching couples to understand how their emotional health impacts their spiritual life and vice versa.
    • Prayer-Focused Sessions: Including prayer as a central component of coaching sessions to invite God’s healing presence into emotional wounds.
    • Community Support: Encouraging participation in support groups where couples can share their experiences and gain emotional support from others in similar situations.

Johnson, S. M. (2004). The practice of emotionally focused couple therapy: Creating connection. Brunner-Routledge.

3. Prepare/Enrich Program #

Overview #

The Prepare/Enrich Program is a widely-used, research-based assessment tool designed to help couples strengthen their relationship. It includes customized insights, skill-building exercises, and biblical principles to guide couples through their journey.

Key Principles #

    1. Customized Assessment
      • Using a detailed inventory to assess the couple’s strengths and areas for growth (Olson, 2014).
    2. Skill Development
      • Focusing on key relational skills such as communication, conflict resolution, and financial management.
    3. Biblical Foundation
      • Integrating scriptural principles to provide a strong, faith-based framework for the coaching process.

Techniques #

    1. Assessment and Feedback
      • Administering the Prepare/Enrich assessment to gather data on the couple’s relationship dynamics and providing tailored feedback.
      • Example: Using the assessment results to identify key areas of strength and areas needing improvement, then creating a customized plan to address these.
    2. Skill-Building Exercises
      • Engaging couples in exercises designed to enhance communication, conflict resolution, and other critical skills.
      • Example: Role-playing scenarios to practice effective communication techniques and conflict resolution strategies.
    3. Faith Integration
      • Incorporating biblical teachings to support the development of a Christ-centered marriage.
      • Example: Discussing how biblical principles such as mutual submission (Ephesians 5:21) and sacrificial love (Ephesians 5:25) apply to their marriage.

Expanding the Approach #

The Prepare/Enrich Program can also include:

    • Workshops and Retreats: Offering intensive weekend workshops or retreats where couples can focus on their relationship without distractions.
    • Ongoing Support: Providing regular follow-up sessions to track progress and address new challenges as they arise.
    • Online Resources: Utilizing online tools and resources for continued learning and support. The NACM Maunal to Ministry is a good resource.

Olson, D. H. (2014). Prepare/Enrich Program: Building stronger marriages. Life Innovations.

Integrating Biblical Approaches: A Holistic View #

The Synergy of Multiple Approaches #

By combining elements from Theological and Scriptural Coaching, EFT with a Christian Perspective, and the Prepare/Enrich Program, ministers can offer a holistic approach to marriage coaching that addresses the spiritual, emotional, and practical aspects of marital relationships.

Practical Steps for Ministers #

    1. Assessment and Customization
      • Begin with an assessment to understand the unique needs of each couple. Use tools like the Prepare/Enrich assessment to gather data and provide a starting point for coaching.
    2. Scriptural Foundations
      • Incorporate biblical teachings from the outset. Use Scripture to set the tone and provide a framework for discussions.
    3. Emotionally Focused Interventions
      • Integrate EFT techniques to help couples understand and manage their emotions. Encourage empathy and emotional connection.
    4. Skill Development
      • Use exercises from the Prepare/Enrich Program to build practical skills. Focus on communication, conflict resolution, and financial management.
    5. Spiritual Practices
      • Encourage couples to develop spiritual disciplines together, such as prayer, Bible study, and worship.
    6. Community Involvement
      • Foster a supportive church community. Encourage couples to participate in small groups, mentorship programs, and church activities.

Case Study: A Comprehensive Approach in Action #

Consider a couple struggling with communication and emotional disconnection. Using a comprehensive approach, the minister might:

    1. Assessment
      • Begin with the Prepare/Enrich assessment to identify specific issues and strengths.
    2. Scriptural Foundation
      • Share relevant Scriptures that address communication and emotional intimacy, such as Ephesians 4:29 and Colossians 3:12-14.
    3. Emotionally Focused Techniques
      • Use EFT techniques to help the couple express their feelings and develop empathy.
    4. Skill Development
      • Engage the couple in exercises to improve communication and conflict resolution skills.
    5. Spiritual Practices
      • Encourage the couple to pray together daily and participate in a weekly Bible study.
    6. Community Support
      • Connect the couple with a small group for ongoing support and accountability.

Challenges and Considerations #

    1. Cultural Sensitivity
      • Be aware of cultural differences that may impact how couples perceive and engage in coaching.
    2. Confidentiality
      • Ensure that all coaching sessions are confidential to build trust and openness.
    3. Ongoing Education

Conclusion #

Christian marriage coaching offers various approaches to support couples in building strong, healthy, and spiritually grounded relationships. Theological and Scriptural Coaching, Emotionally Focused Therapy with a Christian Perspective, and the Prepare/Enrich Program are three popular methods that provide effective frameworks for addressing marital challenges. Each approach integrates biblical principles with practical coaching techniques, empowering couples to navigate their journey together with faith and resilience. By employing these methods, Christian ministers can offer profound guidance and support, helping couples grow closer to each other and to God.


Adams, J. E. (1986). Marriage, divorce, and remarriage in the Bible. Zondervan.

Johnson, S. M. (2004). The practice of emotionally focused couple therapy: Creating connection. Brunner-Routledge.

Olson, D. H. (2014). Prepare/Enrich Program: Building stronger marriages. Life Innovations.

NACM Manual to Ministry