National Association of Christian Ministers Summary Series: Theology
Agnosticism is the philosophical position that claims that the existence of God or gods is ultimately unknown or unknowable. Agnostics maintain that there is insufficient evidence to prove or disprove the existence of God, and therefore, they withhold belief in a deity or deities.
Agnosticism does not necessarily deny the existence of God or gods, nor does it affirm their existence. Instead, it holds that the question of God’s existence is beyond human knowledge and comprehension, and therefore, cannot be answered definitively.
Agnosticism is often contrasted with atheism, which is the belief that God or gods do not exist. However, agnosticism is not necessarily a neutral position between atheism and theism (the belief in God or gods). Agnostics may lean towards theism or atheism, depending on the evidence and arguments presented.
Overall, agnosticism is a position that emphasizes the limits of human knowledge and understanding, and encourages humility and skepticism in the face of religious and philosophical claims.