National Association of Christian Ministers Summary Series: Theology
Christian Homoeanism is a theological belief that emerged in the fourth century during the Arian controversy. The term “Homoeanism” means “of similar essence” and is related to the concept of homoiousia, which means “of like substance.” Homoeanism was a compromise position between the orthodox Christian Church, which maintained that Jesus was co-equal with the Father, and the Arians, who believed that Jesus was a created being and subordinate to the Father.
Homoeans believed that Jesus was similar to the Father in essence but not identical. They argued that while Jesus was not fully divine, he was still more than a mere human being. This view was rejected by the orthodox Church, which maintained that Jesus was fully divine and co-equal with the Father.
The Homoean position did not gain widespread acceptance and was eventually condemned as a heresy by the Council of Constantinople in 381 AD. The council affirmed the orthodox view of the Trinity and stated that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were co-equal and consubstantial, sharing the same divine essence.
Today, Homoeanism is not a commonly held belief among Christians, and the orthodox view of the Trinity, as expressed in the Nicene Creed, is widely accepted by most Christian denominations.