National Association of Christian Ministers Summary Series
The Book of Habakkuk is a prophetic book found in the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. It is attributed to the prophet Habakkuk and addresses the prophet’s questions and concerns about the justice and sovereignty of God. The book is composed of three chapters and contains a dialogue between Habakkuk and God.
Habakkuk lived during a time of social and moral decay in Judah. The book begins with Habakkuk expressing his distress over the violence, injustice, and wickedness that he sees in the land. He questions God’s inaction and wonders why He tolerates evil and allows the righteous to suffer. Habakkuk longs for God to intervene and bring about justice.
In response to Habakkuk’s concerns, God reveals His plan to bring judgment upon Judah by using the Babylonians, a powerful and ruthless nation. This revelation further troubles Habakkuk, as he questions how a holy God could use a wicked nation to punish His people. He raises concerns about the fairness of this judgment.
God assures Habakkuk that He will eventually judge the Babylonians as well. He declares that the righteous will live by faith and that the proud and arrogant will be brought low. God’s sovereignty and justice are affirmed as He reveals that He will accomplish His purposes in His own time and in His own way.
In the final chapter, Habakkuk responds with a prayer and a song of trust and praise. He acknowledges God’s power, justice, and faithfulness. Habakkuk expresses his confidence in God’s ultimate deliverance and rejoices in the midst of difficult circumstances.
The Book of Habakkuk concludes with a declaration of trust in God, even in the face of adversity. Habakkuk recognizes that God is his strength and source of joy, regardless of the circumstances. The book ends with a reminder of God’s sovereignty and a call for the people to trust in Him.
In summary, the Book of Habakkuk explores the prophet’s questions and concerns about the justice and sovereignty of God. It addresses the prophet’s struggle with the existence of evil and God’s use of the wicked to accomplish His purposes. The book ultimately emphasizes the importance of faith and trust in God, even when His ways are beyond human understanding.