The Danger of Chasing Birds: Distractions to Reclaiming Focus

Matthew 13:3-23, known as the Parable of the Sower, presents a sower scattering seeds across various types of soil, representing different responses to the Gospel. The seeds falling on the path are devoured by birds, symbolizing those who hear the message but do not understand it, allowing Satan to snatch it away.

Focus on the Birds #

The birds in the parable represent forces of evil or distraction that prevent the seed from taking root in a person’s heart.

Despite their actions, the sower does not stop to chase them away.

Doing so would be futile and distract the sower from the primary task of sowing.

Why Not Chase the Birds? #

  1. Distraction from the Mission: The sower’s mission is to scatter seeds widely, representing the broad preaching of the Gospel. Chasing birds would divert attention and energy away from this crucial work.
  2. Inevitability of Loss: The reality is that not all seeds will take root. The sower understands that some loss is inevitable, and it is more productive to focus on sowing as much seed as possible rather than preventing every instance of loss.
  3. Trust in God’s Sovereignty: The sower trusts that the seeds falling on good soil will yield a fruitful harvest. This trust in God’s sovereignty allows the sower to remain focused and undistracted by the birds.

Moving Forward #

The most important lesson for the sower is to keep moving forward and continue sowing seeds, despite the presence of birds. The birds’ actions, though concerning, should not hinder the sower’s commitment to spreading the message. The emphasis is on perseverance and faithfulness, trusting that God will ensure a fruitful harvest from the seeds that land on fertile ground.

NACM Manual to Ministry