National Association of Christian Ministers Summary Series: Theology
Biblical hermeneutics is the study of principles and methods for interpreting the Bible. It seeks to understand the meaning of biblical texts in their original historical and cultural contexts, and to apply that meaning to contemporary life.
The primary goal of biblical hermeneutics is to accurately understand what the biblical authors intended to convey to their original audience, taking into account factors such as genre, language, culture, and literary devices. It involves examining the text itself, as well as external sources such as historical and archaeological evidence.
Biblical hermeneutics also recognizes the importance of considering the entire Bible as a cohesive whole, and how individual texts fit into the larger biblical narrative. It takes into account the progressive revelation of God throughout Scripture, as well as the teachings of Jesus and the apostles.
Ultimately, the goal of biblical hermeneutics is not just to understand the meaning of the text, but to apply it to contemporary life in a way that is faithful to the original intent of the biblical authors. This involves discerning the timeless principles and truths of Scripture, and how they can be lived out in different cultural and historical contexts.