Using 24 Common Character Strengths for Connecting With Others


National Association of Christian Ministers Manual to Ministry: Planning

Psychological research has identified twenty-four character strengths common to all humanity.

This does not mean that every human has them, but that they are found among humanity in general:

Wisdom and Knowledge

    1. Creativity [Originality, Ingenuity]
    2. Curiosity [Interest, Novelty-seeking, Openness to experience]
    3. Open-Mindedness [Judgment, Critical Thinking]
    4. Love of Learning
    5. Perspective [Wisdom]


    1. Bravery [Valor]
    2. Persistence [Perseverance / Industriousness]
    3. Integrity [Authenticity, Honesty]
    4. Vitality [Zest, Enthusiasm, Vigor, Energy]


    1. Love [Loving and allowing Oneself to Be Loved]
    2. Kindness [Generosity, Nurturance, Care, Compassion]
    3. Social Intelligence [Emotional Intelligence, Personal Intelligence]


    1. Citizenship [Social Responsibility, Loyalty, Teamwork]
    2. Fairness
    3. Leadership


    1. Forgiveness and Mercy
    2. Humility and Modesty
    3. Prudence
    4. Self-Regulation [Self-Control]


    1. Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence
    2. Gratitude
    3. Hope [Optimism / Future-Mindedness / Orientation]
    4. Humor [Playfulness]
    5. Spirituality [Religiousness, Faith, Purpose]

Questions for discussion:



“Character Strengths and Virtues,” C. Peterson, M. Seligman, Oxford Press 2004

Critical Thinking

VIA Character Strengths Descriptions


NACM Manual to Ministry