
Vision #
The vision of this project is to provide a quick reference work covering a vast range of topics for New Ministers as well as refreshers for Seasoned Ministers and Theologians.
Continual Updates #
This site is generally updated daily, but during busy times of ministry 3 times a week at the typical least. This means that we contribute, at the very least, 3 new articles to the manual weekly.
Audience #
The content herein is written primarily for the ministers of the National Association of Christian Ministers. Its focus is for Ministers Organizing and Leading in Ministry.
Purpose #
The purpose of this Manual to Ministry is as follows:
To provide a summary of information about a multitude of topics ranging from: How To in Ministry, Theology, the Bible, and Organizational Leadership. The word “summary” is emphasized here. The majority of articles are written as summaries of topics. Keeping this in mind is the best way to set the expectations, limitations, tone, and understanding of the content herein.
The content to this manual is offered:
- Free of charge, online at this address: https://ministry-tools.nacministers.org/docs/
- Without outside advertising or solicitation.
- As no guarantee of facts (we do our best to offer the facts, but they are preferential to the beliefs of Evangelical Christianity).
- As suggestions (for which readers may practice at their own risks).
- “As is, without warranty expressed or implied“.
- Reserving the right to remove availability to any and or everybody at any given time without notice.
- Upon agreeing that the use of this site is acceptance of our terms of service.
The Manual is not available for download or print. This is for several reasons:
It would cause way too much stress on our servers. In other words, our site would become so slow that we would not be able to fellowship for waiting on pages to load.
It is continually updated (often between 3–6 times a week).
It is continuously built on a strict congruity between terms, tags, and categories, thereby simplifying the ability to quickly research and dig into topics.
Update: You Can Use the Mobile App Here. #
Tip: #
Lookout for this button at the end of articles for text beginning with “Dig Deeper” —> Related Topics <— That is an example button. It leads to deeper understandings of topics.