National Association of Christian Ministers How to Series: Funerals #
Here is an outline of a typical Christian funeral service. Please note that this outline can be adapted and customized based on specific traditions, denominations, and the preferences of the family:
1. Prelude/Pre-Service Music:
– Instrumental music or hymns played as attendees gather.
2. Gathering and Welcome:
– Opening words and a welcome address by the minister or officiant.
– Acknowledgment of the purpose of the gathering and the presence of God.
3. Opening Prayer:
– A prayer to invite God’s presence, comfort, and guidance.
4. Scripture Readings:
– Selections from the Bible that offer comfort, hope, and assurance.
– Readings may include passages that speak about life, death, resurrection, and God’s love.
5. Eulogy or Remembrance:
– A personal reflection on the life and character of the deceased.
– Sharing of memories, stories, and significant moments.
– Acknowledgment of the deceased’s accomplishments and impact on others.
6. Homily or Sermon:
– A message or reflection by the minister, drawing from Scripture and Christian teachings.
– The homily may emphasize the hope of eternal life, God’s love and grace, and the comfort found in Christian faith.
7. Hymns or Worship Songs:
– Singing of hymns or worship songs that reflect the Christian beliefs, offer comfort, and inspire worship.
– Select songs that are familiar to the attendees and appropriate for the occasion.
8. Prayer of Intercession:
– A prayer offered for the grieving family, friends, and attendees.
– Prayers for comfort, strength, and peace during the grieving process.
9. Commendation and Farewell:
– A final commendation of the deceased into God’s care.
– Words of farewell and assurance that the deceased is at rest in the presence of God.
10. Committal:
– If a burial follows the service, this is the time for the committal of the body.
– Prayers and words of commitment as the body is laid to rest.
– If cremation is chosen, this can be a time of prayer and reflection as well.
11. Benediction:
– A blessing and sending forth of the mourners with words of hope and peace.
– Encouragement to lean on God’s strength and support during the grieving process.
12. Postlude/Post-Service Music:
– Instrumental music or hymns played as attendees exit the venue.
It’s important to note that this outline is a general guideline, and the specific order and elements may vary depending on the traditions and preferences of the family and the specific Christian denomination or church.