Terms Every Minister Should Know

Theological Terms Every Minister Should Know National Association of Christian Ministers #

National Association of Christian Ministers How to Series: Ministry #


Here is a list of terms that are commonly used in Christian ministry:

1. Theology: The study of God and religious beliefs, including the doctrines and teachings of Christianity.

2. Scripture: Refers to the sacred texts of Christianity, which include the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) and the New Testament.

3. Sermon: A speech or homily delivered by a minister during a worship service, typically based on a passage from the Bible, intended to provide spiritual instruction and guidance.

4. Sacraments: Sacred rituals and practices within Christianity that are believed to convey God’s grace. The most common sacraments include baptism and the Eucharist (also called Communion or the Lord’s Supper).

5. Worship: The act of expressing reverence and adoration to God, often through prayer, singing hymns, reading scripture, and participating in sacraments.

6. Church: The community of believers in Christ, either referring to a specific local congregation or the universal body of believers.

7. Ministry: The work or service carried out by Christian clergy or ministers, which can include preaching, teaching, pastoral care, and leading worship.

8. Evangelism: The practice of sharing the Christian faith with others, often with the goal of bringing them to faith in Jesus Christ.

9. Discipleship: The process of growing in faith and becoming a committed follower of Jesus Christ, often involving teaching, mentoring, and spiritual formation.

10. Pastoral Care: The support and assistance provided by ministers to individuals and communities, including counseling, visitation, and offering spiritual guidance.

11. Missions: The outreach efforts of the church to spread the message of the Gospel and engage in humanitarian or social work, both locally and globally.

12. Salvation: The belief in being saved from sin and its consequences through faith in Jesus Christ and acceptance of his atoning sacrifice.

13. Grace: The unmerited favor and love of God, freely given to humanity, which is the basis for salvation and forgiveness.

14. Resurrection: The belief in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, which is central to the Christian faith.

15. Trinity: The Christian doctrine that God exists as one God in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.

16. Eschatology: The study of the last things or the end times, including beliefs about the second coming of Christ, judgment, and the afterlife.

17. Apologetics: The defense and explanation of the Christian faith, providing rational arguments and evidence to address questions and objections.

18. Church Administration: The practical and organizational aspects of managing a church, including finances, leadership structures, and decision-making processes.

These terms provide a foundational understanding for Christian ministers, but the scope of Christian ministry is vast, and there are many more specific terms and concepts that may be relevant depending on the minister’s area of focus and denomination.